
    Deals of the Year

    Award-winning financings

    Structuring complex financings – KfW IPEX-Bank has demonstrated its skill in doing just that. For years this expertise has been independently proven in the form of awards from leading international specialist publications.

    International project awards

    Every year the leading media of the international financial press present their “Deal of the Year” awards to recognise the outstanding financings of the past year.

    We are pleased to have received such accolades from the magazines PFI, IJGlobal, TXF, GFC Media Group and Proximo. These awards are independent proof of KfW IPEX-Bank's performance in structuring complex financing transactions in global comparison.

    Successful awards season 2023/2024

    In the 2023/2024 awards season, KfW IPEX-Bank again figured among the winners, receiving 36 awards overall.

    PFI Project Finance InternationalEurope Telecoms Deal of the Year GD Towers
    Europe Decarbonisation Deal of the Year H2 Green Steel
    Americas Digital Deal of the YearGigapower
    Americas Infrastructure Deal of the YearAguas Horizonte
    Digital Deal of the YearEdgeConneX
    Europe Green Power Deal of the Year Baltic Power
    Middle East & Africa Infrastructure Deal of the YearMIRFA 2
    Europe Deal of the YearBaltic Power
    Europe EV Deal of the Year Gridserve
    IJGlobalRenewables & EV Charging Deal of the YearGridserve Green Loan
    Energy Transition Deal of the YearProject One – Ineos
    Digital Infrastructure Deal of the Year – Data CentresMaincubes – Project Martix
    Renewable Energy Deal of the Year – Offshore WindBaltic Power Offshore Wind Farm
    Digital Infrastructure Deal of the Year - FibreDeutsche GigaNetz – Levant
    Power Deal of the YearOstrołęka CCGT
    Energy Transition Deal of the Year – MENANeom Green Hydrogen Plant
    Desalination Deal of the Year – MENA Mirfa 2
    Oil & Gas Deal of the Year LATAMTerminal Quamica Puerta Mexico (TQPM)
    TXFOverall Export Finance Deal of the YearBaltic Power
    Middle East Export Finance Deal of the YearNEOM Green Hydrogen
    Europe Export Finance Deal of the YearIneos Olefins Belgium
    Manufacturing Export Finance Deal of the YearNorthvolt Ett
    ECA Borrower Dear of the YearReliance Jio Infocomm Limited (RJIL) - Finnvera Covered Financing
    ECA Borrower Dear of the YearReliance Jio Infocomm Limited (RJIL) - EKN Covered Loan
    Blended Export Finance Deal of the YearH2GS Boden
    GFC Media GroupCapital Markets & ESG Finance / Natural Resources Deal of the YearNEOM Green Hydrogen
    ProximoFiberGigapower FTTH
    WindSunZia Wind and Transmission
    LNGRio Grande LNG
    Asia Digital Infrastructure Deal of the Year PT Graha Teknologi Nusantara (EdgeConnex) JKT01 & JKT02 Jakarta Data Centre - Financing
    Europe Manufacturing Deal of the YearH2 Green Steel
    Europe Offshore Wind Deal of the YearBaltic Power
    Europe Transport Deal of the YearGridserve Electric Super Hubs
    Europe Emerging Energy Deal of the YearEnvision AESC Douai Gigafactory
    Latin America Water Deal of the YearTocopilla Desalination (Chile)
    Middle East Emerging Energy Deal of the YearNEOM Green Hydrogen

    Examples of our award-winning financings in 2023/2024

    Gridserve Green Loan: PFI Europe EV Deal of the Year, IJGlobal Renewables & EV Charging Deal of the Year and Proximo Europe Transport Deal of the Year

    White car at an EV charging station

    KfW IPEX Bank is participating in a GBP 326 million certified green finance framework for EV charging infrastructure in the UK. Gridserve develops and operates its own Sun-to-Wheel infrastructure with hybrid solar systems that generate renewable electricity for its charging grid. By contributing to this financing, KfW IPEX-Bank underlines its commitment to support the transformation towards a carbon-neutral society and economy.

    The Baltic Power wind farm financing deal convinces PFI, IJGlobal, TXF and Proximo

    Offshore wind turbines against the blue sky

    KfW IPEX-Bank, as part of a large club of commercial banks, international financial institutions and export credit agencies, has signed the financing for the first Polish offshore wind farm Baltic Power (1,140 MW) for the Polish sponsor ORLEN Group and the Canadian sponsor Northland Power. KfW IPEX Bank is one of the largest lenders and acts as Mandated Lead Arranger and Euler Hermes Facility Agent. With this project, KfW IPEX-Bank supports important exports from Germany and positions itself as one of the leading arrangers of offshore wind financing worldwide.

    Green Steel: PFI Europe decarbonisation deal of the year, TXF Blended Export Finance Deal of the Year and Proximo Europe manufacturing deal of the year

    View of the steel production site H2 Green Steel

    KfW IPEX-Bank is participating with a loan of EUR 187.5 million in the financing of a state-of-the-art integrated flat steel plant as part of an international banking consortium. The plant, which is being built by H2 Green Steel in Sweden, uses an innovative process based on self-produced green hydrogen and electricity from renewable energies. Steel is produced with up to 95% less emissions than conventional steel production.

    KfW IPEX-Bank has acted as financial advisor to H2 Green Steel from the outset and has taken a leading role within the international banking consortium in the context of the financing: It acts as Euler Hermes Advisor, Covered Facility Agent and ECA Agent, as well as Riskgälden Advisor and Covered Facility Agent.

    KfW IPEX-Bank honoured as a leading worldwide export bank

    Banner TXF Industry Choice Award 2024 for KfW IPEX-Bank

    According to an independent survey by the London-based industry information service Trade & Export Finance (TXF), KfW IPEX-Bank is once again one of the top 3 export finance banks worldwide.

    The results of the TXF Export Finance Industry Choice Award are based on responses provided by stakeholders from the export finance industry on the performance of export finance banks. In the quantitative survey, participants rated aspects such as industry expertise and understanding of the client’s business as well as dimensions like appetite for sustainable deals and customer service.