Management and bodies

Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank

The members of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH manage the activities of the company with the diligence of a prudent business person in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association, Rules of Procedure for the Members of the Management Board, as well as the decisions of the shareholders’ meeting and the Board of Supervisory Directors. The members of the Management Board are obliged to act in the best interest of the company and collaborate with the awareness of a collective responsibility. They work closely and faithfully together with the other bodies of the company - namely the Board of Supervisory Directors and the shareholders’ meeting - for the benefit of the company.

Management Board

Belgin Rudack

Belgin Rudack is CEO of KfW IPEX-Bank and in charge of Strategy & Corporate Affairs, Internal Auditing, Credit Operations, Organisation & IT as well as Human Resources, Legal Affairs & Finance.

Dr Velibor Marjanovic

Dr Velibor Marjanovic is the member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank in charge of Industries and Commerce, Energy, Structuring Advisory, Business Ability, Equity Portfolio and the London Branch.

Claudia Schneider

Claudia Schneider is the member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank in charge of Credit Risk Management I, Credit Risk Management II, Restructuring & Collateral Management, Risk Controlling and Compliance.

Andreas Ufer

Andreas Ufer is the member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank in charge of Mobility, Infrastructure, Syndication & Treasury and KfW IPEX-Bank Asia Ltd.

Board of Supervisory Directors of KfW IPEX-Bank

The Board of Supervisory Directors of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH is composed of nine members: two representatives from the federal government – one each from the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection – two representatives of industry, two representatives of KfW and three representatives of the employees of KfW IPEX-Bank. The Board of Supervisory Directors is responsible for advising and monitoring the Management Board with respect to the management of the company.

The members of the Board of Supervisory Directors are:

Christiane Laibach - ChairMember of the Executive Board, KfW Group
Dr Stefan Peiß - Vice ChairMember of the Executive Board, KfW Group
Bernhard KluttigState Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection
Heiko ThomsState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance
Iris HelkeSupervisory Board Member
Evelyne FreitagSupervisory Board Member
Guido KnittelChair of the Works Council, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
Dieter KochSenior Project Manager, KfW IPEX-Bank
Sabine SchneiderSenior Project Manager, KfW IPEX-Bank


It has established five committees to fulfil its advising and monitoring responsibilities: the Executive Committee, the Renumeration Controll Committee, the Audit Committee, the Loan Committee and the Risk Committee.

Executive Committee
Chair: Christiane Laibach
Sabine Schneider
Heiko Thoms
Iris Helke
Renumeration Control Committee
Chair: Christiane Laibach
Iris Helke
Heiko Thoms
Guido Knittel
Audit Committee
Chair: Iris Helke
Christiane Laibach
Heiko Thoms
Dieter Koch
Loan Committee
Chair: Christiane Laibach
Evelyne Freitag
Bernhard Kluttig
Sabine Schneider
Risk Committee
Chair: Dr Stefan Peiß
Evelyne Freitag
Dieter Koch
Heiko Thoms