
    Representative office in Johannesburg

    Our gateway to Sub-Saharan Africa

    South Africa is the largest and most industrialised economy in Africa with considerable natural resources in mining. The country offers good framework conditions for the private sector, has a diversified industry and strong banks that play a prominent role all over Sub-Saharan Africa. Due to its political stability and economic power, South Africa serves for many companies as a hub into the African market.

    Sub-Saharan Africa hosts some of the world's fastest-growing economies, showcasing remarkable diversity in terms of economic sectors. Countries like Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, and South Africa are prominent in mining, while Nigeria and Angola excel in energy production. Additionally, South Africa and Kenya serve as significant manufacturing and services hubs.

    For KfW IPEX-Bank, Sub-Saharan Africa is an important future market in which we support our customers in financing European exports and German direct investments. The mandate of KfW IPEX-Bank also comprises the support of projects to secure raw materials supply to Germany.

    Interview on the economic potential of Sub-Saharan Africa

    Sub-Saharan Africa is rapidly gaining in strategic and economic importance for Europe and especially Germany in the face of increasing global system competition.

    Thorsten Metz, Head of KfW IPEX-Bank’s Representative Office in Johannesburg, talks about the chances and challenges of the region.

    KfW IPEX-Bank's representative office in Johannesburg does not conduct any bank business of its own. Instead, its sole function is to support the bank's headquarters in Frankfurt.