Curriculum Vitae of Claudia Schneider

Member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH

Claudia Schneider

Date and place of birth: 15 May 1970 in Bonn, Germany

CRO and CCO, in charge of:

  • Credit Risk Management I
  • Credit Risk Management II
  • Restructuring & Collateral Management
  • Risk Controlling
  • Compliance

Professional experience

from 03/2017Member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
2015 - 2017General Manager of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
2014 - 2015KfW IPEX-Bank, Managing Director of Structuring Advisory and Finance
2011 - 2014KfW, Head of Individual Corporate and Project Finance
2011KfW, Deputy Head of Asset Securitisation
2009 - 2010Parental leave / freelance consultant for banks and insurance companies
2006 - 2008PMI Mortgage Insurance Ltd., Managing Director Germany
2001 - 2006KfW, Deputy Head of Asset Securitisation
2000 - 2001KfW, Senior Project Manager Asset Securitisation
1998 - 2000KfW, Project Manager Financing in West Africa; Interim Director of KfW Office in Abidjan / Côte d'Ivoire
1997 - 1998KfW, Trainee Development Cooperation
1995 - 1997Luso Consult GmbH, Cologne, Junior Consultant

Educational background

1990 - 1994Studies in Economics at the Universities of Cologne and Madrid,
Degree in Economics ("Diplom-Volkswirtin")