
    Rating of KfW IPEX-Bank

    Excellent long-term rating from the leading rating agencies

    The two leading rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Moody's have given KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH a long-term rating of AA+ and Aa2, respectively.

    KfW IPEX-Bank's creditworthiness, excellent in comparison with other banks, stems chiefly from a solid market position in international project and export finance that was built up successfully on a global scale over 60 years as well as from its strong equity base and refinancing through the KfW Group at market conditions.

    We are proud of this rating, as it proves that all over the world KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH is a strong and reliable long-term partner for its customers.

    The individual external ratings are:

    Standard & Poor's:

    Long-Term Counterparty Credit Rating:AA+ / Stable
    Short-Term Counterparty Credit Rating:A-1+


    Long-Term Deposit Rating:Aa2
    Short-Term Deposit Rating:Prime-1

    Further information:

    Moody's: Rating Action KfW IPEX-Bank, May 2024

    Moody's: Current Credit Opinion, July 2024

    Moody's: www.moodys.com

    Standard & Poor's Research Update February 2023

    Standard & Poor's Rating January 2024

    Standard & Poor's: www.standardandpoors.com