Interviews with experts from KfW IPEX-Bank on LinkedIn

Interview on Arranging in Project and Export Finance

In an interview, Christian Bevc, Global Head of Syndication & Treasury at KfW IPEX-Bank, talks about the challenges of 2025. Despite geopolitical uncertainties and a dynamic political environment, the need for sustainable transformation and investment remains undiminished. As a reliable financing partner, KfW IPEX-Bank offers tailor-made solutions for complex projects and mobilises institutional investors.

Interview on the economic potential of Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is rapidly gaining in strategic and economic importance for Europe and especially Germany in the face of increasing global system competition.

Thorsten Metz, Head of KfW IPEX-Bank’s Representative Office in Johannesburg, talks about the chances and challenges of the region.

Expert interview on public mobility in India

Increasing urbanisation and population growth in India pose major challenges for public mobility. Mayank Mittal, Head of KfW IPEX-Bank’s Representative Office in Mumbai, describes the current situation and talks about measures to promote efficient and sustainable mobility solutions.

Expert interview on aviation

Michaela Altmann, Head of Origination in Aviation at KfW IPEX-Bank, talks about aviation finance and developments in the industry.

Interview on the EU taxonomy

As part of the European Green Deal, the EU taxonomy contains technical assessment criteria for categorising sustainable economic activities. It can therefore be regarded as a classification system for controlling and managing capital flows.

Luis-Miguel Gutierrez Demmel, expert on the EU taxonomy at KfW IPEX-Bank, offers insights into how the classification system works, explains how relevant activities are surveyed and evaluated, and reports on challenges regarding the operationalisation of loan business.

Interview on securing & financing raw materials in Australia

Germany and other European countries are highly dependent on importing raw materials from other regions in the world. These days crisis-proof supply chains are more important than ever.

Michael Waitz, Director and Team Head Metals & Mining at KfW IPEX-Bank, talks about opportunities in the raw materials sector in Australia.

Interview on the sustainability of data centres

Data centres play a crucial role in the digital ecosystem. At the same time, they are under criticism due to their high energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Maxi Harm, Project Manager for Digital Infrastructure Finance at KfW IPEX-Bank, talks about the financing of data centres in the context of sustainability. Together with Pavlena Rangelova and Paula Hollekamp, she analysed the role that data centres play in the digital ecosystem and looks at it from a holistic and sustainable perspective.

Interview on floating offshore wind farms

Floating offshore wind farms offer new opportunities of harvesting wind in deeper offshore areas. Charlotte Kantelhardt, Project Manager in Origination & Structuring Wind Power at KfW IPEX-Bank, talks about the benefits and challenges of floating offshore wind power.

Interview on guarantees for „Untied Loan Scheme“ (ULS)

Stefan Eitel, Director Structuring Advisory for ECA Cover & Subsidies and previously Director in the field of Metals & Mining at KfW IPEX-Bank, talks about ULS guarantees that enable applicant banks such as KfW IPEX-Bank to finance foreign mining projects that serve to safeguard the supply of raw materials at attractive terms.