Press Release from 2023-04-03 / KfW IPEX-Bank

KfW IPEX-Bank reports a strong 2022 financial year

“Despite considerable economic challenges and dynamic geopolitical developments, KfW IPEX-Bank can look back on a good financial year,” says Belgin Rudack, CEO of KfW IPEX-Bank since 1 April 2023. “We are underpinning KfW IPEX-Bank's excellent market position as a partner to German and European industry and business with new commitments of EUR 18.1 billion. We have been able to help our customers make substantial investments even in difficult times.”

Of these new commitments, EUR 17.5 billion (2021: EUR 13.0 billion) related to original lending business and EUR 0.6 billion (2021: EUR 0.6 billion) to funds for bank refinancing under the CIRR ship financing, ERP CIRR export financing and Africa CIRR export financing programmes. All of KfW IPEX-Bank’s sector departments made an important contribution to the bank’s result.

Focus on future technologies delivers good result

In 2022, KfW IPEX-Bank focused on helping its existing customers to invest in the future and on supporting them in their respective transformation journeys. New commitments totalling EUR 2.8 billion were made in the Power and Environment sector department, with a large part committed to energy transition projects such as wind farms or alternative energy generation. Financing in the mobility sector accounted for new commitments amounting to EUR 2.6 billion, with a focus on zero-emission and emission-efficient drive technologies. Besides the restructuring of the energy sector and the transport transition, KfW IPEX-Bank is also concerned with digital transformation. For example, a total of EUR 1.9 billion was committed to fibre optic projects in Germany and Europe to help actively shape the digital society.

The volume of lending of the Export and Project Finance business sector amounted to EUR 71.1 billion at year-end 2022 (previous year: EUR 68.5 billion).

Further figures for the 2022 financial year and the entire 2022 Annual Report of KfW IPEX-Bank can be found at:
2022 Annual Report of KfW IPEX-Bank


Portrait von Dr. Axel Breitbach