Press Release from 2023-12-27 / KfW IPEX-Bank

KfW IPEX-Bank and CaixaBank provide financing for Frankfurt judiciary center

Visualisation new judiciary center Frankfurt

KfW IPEX-Bank and CaixaBank are jointly providing HOCHTIEF financing for the interim construction financing of the PPP project Frankfurt (Germany) judiciary center. The project volume is in the low three-digit million range and includes the parallel construction of two new judicial buildings in the Frankfurt a. M. city centre, with a planned completion in mid-2027. The commissioning party is the state of Hesse, which has concluded project contracts with HOCHTIEF.

The two new buildings with a gross floor area of about 38,500 square metres will house several courts, public prosecutors and judicial authorities. As the new buildings are built on the site of existing buildings, no additional space will be sealed for the new buildings.

During operation, the new buildings will meet the requirements for an efficiency building 55 and thus have a positive impact on the environment and climate, as energy consumption is reduced and thus decarbonisation is promoted. HOCHTIEF installs large-scale photovoltaic systems on the usable roofs. The houses are supplied with district heating, which is fed into the rooms via modern heating and cooling ceilings.

HOCHTIEF will manage the buildings for 30 years and the state of Hesse is a tenant during this time. Thereafter, the property, including the buildings, will again be fully owned by the state of Hesse.

About CaixaBank
CaixaBank is the leading financial group in Spain with a volume of assets of more than EUR 625,000 million and a relevant position at European level. CaixaBank also has a strong presence in Portugal, where it controls 100% of BPI. The group has more than 20 million customers, the largest network of branches and ATMs in Spain and Portugal, and leadership in digital banking, with more than 11 million digital customers. CaixaBank's international network offers support to the bank's business customers operating abroad, as well as to corporations located in the 72 countries where CaixaBank provides coverage through more than 200 professionals, close to 30 international points of presence and agreements with more than 1,800 correspondent banks.

About KfW IPEX-Bank
Within KfW Group, KfW IPEX-Bank is responsible for project and export finance. It supports German and European companies operating in key industrial sectors in global markets by structuring medium and long-term financing for their exports, funding infrastructure investments, securing supply of raw materials and by financing environmental and climate change mitigation projects worldwide.

As a bank that stands for transformation, it finances technologies of the future to support the transition towards sustainable society in all three dimensions of the economy, environment and social.

As specialist bank, KfW IPEX-Bank has extensive industry, structuring and country expertise, it takes on leading roles in financing consortia and actively involves other banks, institutional investors and insurance firms. KfW IPEX-Bank operates as a legally independent group subsidiary and is represented in the most important economic and financial centres across the globe.


In the infrastructure sector we support financings for digital infrastructure, charging infrastructure, energy infrastructure, air and sea ports as well as the construction industry, among others.