Press Release from 2024-02-26 / KfW IPEX-Bank

KfW IPEX-Bank finances Duisburg Gateway Terminal

Duisburg Gateway Terminal

KfW IPEX-Bank is providing financing for the new “Duisburg Gateway Terminal” (DGT) trimodal inland terminal in the inland port of Duisburg. The borrower is the operating company of the same name. DGT is an international joint venture of logistics companies and port operators and will become an integral part of the Port of Duisburg, the world’s largest inland port.

The funded project comprises the construction and operation of phase 1 of the DGT, which will be the largest container terminal in a European inland port with an area of 235,000m² and where goods can be handled trimodally between ship, rail and truck. In addition, the DGT will also be the first container terminal to have completely climate-neutral operation using hydrogen. This is being done with the help of the “enerport II” project, in which hydrogen-based energy conversion is to be implemented in the Port of Duisburg, and as many processes as possible are to be electrified. The DGT is regarded both as a model for the environmental transformation of inland ports (in this case from coal to hydrogen) and as a pilot project for the future of logistics.

In addition, a warehouse for hazardous goods tank containers is to be created on the DGT premises. This can be used by the chemical industry along the Rhine River when water levels are low and navigation is poor as an alternative to storage on inland waterway vessels. At the same time, the warehouse will become a transshipment site for tank containers filled with hydrogen or the precursor ammonia. From here, hydrogen is supplied to smaller industrial companies, which, unlike large customers, cannot be connected to a pipeline for the time being.

About Duisburg Gateway Terminal GmbH

Located at the port of Duisburg, the Duisburg Gateway Terminal (DGT) will be the largest inland container terminal in Europe. It is the first terminal to be intelligently networked and fully climate-neutral using hydrogen. Duisburg Gateway Terminal GmbH is DGT’s operating company; the shareholders are Duisburger Hafen AG, Hupac SA, H.T.S. Intermodaal B.V. and PSA Belgium Holdings B.V.


Portrait Antje Schlagenhaufer


Antje Schlagenhaufer

KfW IPEX-Bank Press Office


In the infrastructure sector we support financings for digital infrastructure, charging infrastructure, energy infrastructure, air and sea ports as well as the construction industry, among others.