Under our mandate to provide support, we offer financing in the interest of the German and European economies. We are one of the leading providers of project and export finance worldwide and, as a subsidiary operating on commercial terms, we ensure the promotional activities of the promotional bank KfW with our strong earnings. Together with the German and European export industry and our global corporate customers, we deliver our role as an active, competent and reliable partner by shaping change towards sustainable economic, social and ecological development in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world.
We provide viable long-term financing for this transformation process. We assist technological progress by developing suitable financing solutions with the aim to secure the livelihoods and quality of life of future generations. In this sense we positively contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We are committed to the Equator Principles and therefore - in addition to economic aspects -explicitly include social and ecological aspects in our lending decision-making processes.
The transformation of global economic structures into a climate-neutral world is an enormous challenge. It requires long-term responsible and sustainable action, which must be further developed within a tight timeframe and in a concerted effort on both a national and international stage.
To enable other countries to follow suit, we would like to demonstrate together with the highly industrialised German and European export industry that the achievement of national climate protection targets and enduring economic success are on an equal footing.
Together with all other parts of KfW Group, KfW IPEX-Bank is introducing Paris-compatible sector guidelines to specify the measures for achieving the climate action goals and for supporting the economy and society during the transformation.
Learn more: KfW Paris-compatible sector guidelines
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