Drohnenaufnahmen des KFW Standorts Frankfurt am Main bei Sonnenuntergang

    KfW Group guidelines

    Exclusion List and supplementary requirements

    The Exclusion List of KfW Group is valid groupwide. On the one hand, it excludes financing for new projects or purposes in predetermined areas (exclusion list). On the other, in selected sectors KfW Group ties its direct financial commitment for concrete new projects to qualitative conditions (supplementary requirements).

    Exclusion List of KfW Group

    Sector guidelines – Financing in line with the Paris Climate Agreement

    The transformation process towards a sustainable society is the most pivotal challenge of our times. As a transformative promotional bank, KfW Group therefore takes a particular responsibility for the successful transformation. KfW Group’s sector guidelines systematically focus on greenhouse gas-intensive sectors for which sector- specific minimum requirements for the climate compatibility of financed technologies are defined. It is especially important to support the advancement of the transformation process in those sectors that are facing particular challenges with regard to climate change mitigation and are therefore of essential importance to achieving the targets set in the Paris Climate Agreement.

    More information and the sector guidelines are available at Sector Guidelines – Steering KfW’s new financing activities in particularly greenhouse gas-intensive sectors according to the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement

    Policy Statement on Human Rights of KfW Group

    A prerequisite for sustainable transformation is the observance, implementation and promotion of civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights. The “Policy Statement of KfW and its subsidiaries on human rights and on its human rights strategy” comprehensively sets out KfW's approaches to protecting human rights in governance, banking operations, procurement and banking business, as well as their consideration in grievance mechanisms, effectiveness monitoring and reporting. It also takes into account the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG), which came into force on 1 January 2023.

    Policy statement of KfW and its subsidiaries’ on human rights and on its human rights strategy