river in the green rain forrest

    Sustainability Guideline of KfW IPEX-Bank

    As early as in 2000, we were one of the first German banks to introduce an ambitious environmental and social guideline that applies to all financing products that we offer. This guideline has since been adapted several times to current developments in the international discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility and is kept up to date.

    As early as in 2000, we were one of the first German banks to introduce an ambitious environmental and social guideline that applies to all financing products that we offer. This guideline has since been adapted several times to current developments in the international discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility and is kept up to date.

    Loan applications are categorised according to environmental and social aspects

    All loan applications are assigned to one of three categories on the basis of environmental and social aspects: "A", "B" and "C". Categories A and B represent projects that could have considerable environmental and social impacts, such as raw materials projects and thermal power plants. As these impacts are often technically manageable, projects in these categories are vetted closely in collaboration with technical experts. Based on this detailed review, KfW IPEX-Bank will finance a project only if it complies with its own Sustainability Guideline - which is in turn based on the World Bank Group's demanding and internationally accepted environmental and social standards, in particular the IFC Performance Standards, EHS Guidelines and Safeguard Policies, and also includes the Equator Principles - if necessary with additional requirements.

    The "safeguard policies" of the World Bank serve as our yardstick for the avoidance or alleviation of negative social impacts. Additionally, we have adapted all of our regulations governing business operations several times to take account of current developments in the international discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility. As a bank, we want to lead by example in protecting indigenous populations and cultural heritage, eradicating child and forced labour and preventing people from being involuntarily resettled.

    Our Sustainability Guideline is also intended to:

    • encourage suppliers, project sponsors, borrowers and other involved parties to consider environmental and social aspects at an early stage when planning the project and its financing,
    • foster a better understanding in the host country of the significance of environmental and social risks, through studies required by us, and of the advantages of adopting timely protective measures and raising public awareness, and cause these aspects to be given more weight in development planning,
    • encourage buyers and project sponsors to implement meaningful and economically viable improvements based on the discussion of the results of environmental and social appraisal, other assessments and requirements,
    • contribute to the international discussions directed at giving more importance to ecological and social aspects in decisions taken by finance institutions and applying uniform standards wherever possible.